Atex Fans

What is ATEX?

ATEX is the French abbreviation for explosive atmospheres and is a European Directive that sets the standards for fans intended for use in those atmospheres. It is designed to ensure the safety of workers and the prevention of accidents in environments where there is a risk of explosion. It covers a wide range of industries and environments where flammable gases, vapours, liquids, or combustible dusts may be present. ATEX certification involves rigorous testing and assessment of products to ensure they meet the necessary safety requirements with certification being essential to sell equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres within Europe.

ATEX fans designed and built
to the exacting area, zone
and category requirements

Our comprehensive axial fans for hazardous application are manufactured to meet the requirements of the ATEX Directive, IEC standards and EN14986.

Key features

‘Naval’ Brass Rings for
Spark Minimising

Our casings and accessories are all stainless steel 316 or 304 grade and hot dipped galvanised after manufacture. Galvanised treatment avoids galvanic action between dissimilar materials and we offer special paint treatments to client requirements.

Certified Terminal Boxes

Our ATEX fans are designed and built to the exacting Area, Zone and Category requirements of a given project and utilise components that are certified under ATEX. Additionally, our manufacturing capabilities allow us to meet specific overseas hazardous classifications with a variety of flexible component options.

Built and Tested to Withstand
the Harshest Environments

Area – Zone 1

Gas category 2G with electrical equipemtn Ed d, Ex de and Ex e.

Area – Zone 2

Gas category 3G with electrical equipment Ex nA.

Area – Zones 21 and 22

Category 2D and 3D where alternative specifications are required, we have the design and manufacturing capabilities to meet specific overseas hazardous classification.

Specialist Paint Treatments

Where required, for ATEX & Hazardous applications, we can provide specific paint treatments to impellers and casings.

IECEx Certified

International Electrotechnical Commission for Explosive Atmospheres

This accreditation confirms our commitment to the highest safety and quality standards, particularly for use in explosive atmospheres.

With this certification, we continue to deliver safe, reliable, and efficient ventilation systems that you can trust, even in the most demanding environments.

Diameters from
315mm to 2000mm

Long and Short
Cased Variants

Bifurcated, Plate and
Cased Construction

Belt Driven

Aluminium, Stainless Steel or
Carbon Loaded Polypropylene

Thermistor Protection
and Specialist Motors

Our Standard Hazardous Area Product:

Revolution SLCX

Revolution SLCX

ATEX Long Cased Axial Flow Fan ATEX Construction Code: Ex h IIB+H2 T4 Gb

Atex Fans

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Cased Axial Fans

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